la gioiosa macchina da guerra

by nanabianca


occulto issue i is here!

It stayed glossy, it went thicker: 176 pages which bring together science, humanities and arts.The first 100 Occulto exemplars ordered via mail at will feature a special CD compiled by no less than Onga Boring Machines. Be fast, order now!

Texts by Meris Angioletti, Marco Antonini, Enrico Bellone, Alessio delli Castelli, Bill Dolson, Daniele Gasparinetti, Martin Howse, Matteo Lenardon, Federica Rossella Massimo Sandal, Max Stadler, Barbara Urbanic, Alexander Ziegler
Original artworks by Daavid Mörtl, Andrea Zimbaro
An artist’s project by Jon Fawcett

Occulto explores new possibilities in the popularisation of science in connection to other fields such as the visual arts, parascientific theories and history of ideas.

Occulto affirms the cultural value of scientific knowledge and the potential of an interdisciplinary approach opened to deviance and irony. Its research also questions past and present attempts to find shortcuts to knowledge (and power), the fascination towards the irrational and revealed truths.

What lies behind the insurmountable gap dividing humanities and science?


Hurry up! subscribe to DETECTION workshop!! by DuChamp

Conceveid and directed by Martin Howse and Martin Kuentz

12-13 March 2011, h 11.30-19 @ Ausland
Workshop fee: 30 Euros
Subcriptions and info here:

But… But what is detection if not confession?
[NIcholas Roeg’s Bad Timing, 1980]

The conditions of the sentience had been here, he imagined, fulfilledin the method of collocation of these stones –in the order of their arrangement, as well as in that of the many fungi which overspread them, and of the decayed trees which stood around –above all, in the long undisturbed endurance of this arrangement, and in its reduplication in the still waters of the tarn.
[Edgar Allen Poe, The Fall of the House of Usher, 1839]

A two day workshop exploring the work of EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) and ITC (Instrumental Trans Communication) practitioners such as Friedrich Juergenson, Konstantin Raudive and Klaus Schreiber under the twinned practical methodologies of excitation (pick your carrier) and paranoid detection (everyday forensics). Detection is rehearsed in its widest sense, as a “making sense of that which is”. The detection workshop points towards playful techniques for the investigation of materiality and message which are positioned to one definite side of scientific, economic or teleological examinations; this revealing is necessary. And finally, to ask the question, experimentally, of what exactly constitutes detection and the work of the detective?

1st day schedule
Examination of classical EVP techniques with an emphasis on light/provision of carrier and subsequent detection/recording, and on the practical repurposing of electronic detection hardware (radios, tape recorders, video machines).
A series of experimental platforms ranging across radio, ultrasonics, white noise, light and vibration will be constructed alongside a set of experimental apparatus for use during the following day’s excursion. A small overnight test situation also will be set up at a new location.

2st day schedule
Fieldtrip to an to-be-specified location for primary inscription and playback of the stone tape. Other activities will include geophony, amateur geo-forensics and the construction of ad-hoc seismometers, dowsing, excavation, and forensic enquiry.
The workshop will close with a public presentation/performance with willing workshop participants at Ausland.

That which participants could bring
Any form of recording or transcribing device (tape/HD recorder, camera, pencil, paper), materials for excitation and subsequent detection (for example, minerals), and dowsing rods/pendulums.

and the name is…. by DuChamp

La gioiosa macchina da guerra, AC Gallerie and Occulto Magazine  are proud to present:

Sat 12 March 2011


@ Ausland, Lychener Str. 60 Berlin

infos, schedules, and yummy things coming soon!